
這份報告是臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華 (Taiwan New Year Bird Count,簡稱 NYBC Taiwan) 第四年的年度報告,主要報導 2016 年 12 月 17 日至 2017 年 1 月8 日為期 23 日所執行的成果。臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華的歷年成果,將納入「2020 年臺灣國家鳥類報告」。謹以此報告,感謝所有參與活動的夥伴、團體、捐款人及贊助單位。
第四年的「臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華」在 1,258 位鳥友的共襄盛之下,樣區圓數量增加到 175 個,其中就有 12 個樣區圓在金門、馬祖與東沙群島,數到的鳥種數從 331 種成長到 340 種,316,928 隻次的鳥類。公益勸募總共募得新臺幣 89,500 元,並獲得林務局及國家公園等單位的支持,給予數鳥志工相關的協助,主辦單位在此萬分感謝。若無各地民眾的響應,2017 年便無法展現更進一步的成果。
2017 年的代表鳥種是小辮鴴,冬天時大量聚集於雲林縣的花生田,所以也稱為「土豆鳥」,最高曾達 9,600 隻。雲林縣野鳥學會自 2012 年起,持續舉辦「土豆鳥大集合」,普查冬天在雲林聚集的小辮鴴,牠們很可能是小辮鴴在東亞的最大族群。小辮鴴雖然數量較多,但整體數量逐漸減少,自 1980年來歐洲的調查也顯示族群正逐漸下降。小辮鴴是依賴農業環境的鳥類。為維護全球的生物多樣性,自然與農業經濟共存的里山精神逐漸在各地萌芽,農業活動所形成的環境不只供應糧食,也是許多動物賴以為生的棲所。因此,將主題鳥定為土豆鳥作為活動意象,彰顯農業的生物多樣性保育價值。
臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華是由社團法人中華民國野鳥學會發起,與社團法人台北市野鳥學會、社團法人高雄市野鳥學會,以及行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心共同籌辦與推動。主辦團隊成員包括:張瑄小姐 ( 中華 )、呂翊維先生 ( 台北 )、林昆海先生 ( 高雄 )、林瑞興博士 ( 特生 ) 及林大利先生( 特生 )。
NYBC Taiwan 的第四年,感謝江郁宣小姐完成活動 LOGO、相關美編設計及紀念品小辮鴴方巾,感謝「玉子日記」完成封面及內頁繪圖,感謝姚采宜設計土豆鳥毛巾,感謝趙容小姐協助資料的整理,感謝天晴文化事業完成年度報告的美編設計。
林大利、張瑄、呂翊維、林昆海、林瑞興。2017。臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華 2017 年度報告。社團法人中華民國野鳥學會、行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心。臺北。
This is the 4th annual report of Taiwan New Year Bird Count (NYBC Taiwan). NYBC Taiwan is a citizen science project to monitor the wintering avifauna of Taiwan and surrounding islands since 2014. We reported the investigation results which were recorded between Dec 17th 2016 and Jan 8th 2017 by 1,258 volunteers. We really appreciate all the volunteers, participants, NGOs, donors and sponsors for their eorts and passions. e results of NYBC Taiwan is going to be a chapter of "2020 State of Taiwan's Birds" for wintering birds, especially for migratory species.
The representative species for 4th NYBC Taiwan is Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), an uncommon wintering species of Taiwan. Every January, thousands of individuals live in the peanut elds of Yunlin County in central Taiwan. It is the reason that they are called "peanut bird". In 2012, Wild Bird Society of Yunlin launched a citizen science project which is called "Peanut Bird Census" to monitoring the population trend of Northern Lapwing inside Yunlin County. It might be the largest wintering population in East Asia. In recent decades, the populations of Northern Lapwing have decreased gradually in many parts of the world, especially in the Europe. Agricultural environments are the key habitats for migratory birds such as Northern Lapwing in Taiwan. erefore, we hope NYBC Taiwan would inspire the public concern our biodiversity and ecosystem service in our agricultural environment.
NYBC Taiwan is hosted by Chinese Wild Bird Federation (CWBF), Wild Bird Society of Taipei (WBST), Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society and Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute (TESRI). The monitoring methods of NYBC Taiwan are followed the fundamental rules of the Christmas Bird Count. During the 23 days (the middle date is January 1st), a volunteer team chose a consecutive 24 hours to count the birds within a circle sample area which radius is three kilometers.
In 2017, the volunteers recorded 340 bird species from 316,928 individuals within 175 circle sample areas. Bird species richness, abundance, the population size of volunteers and circle sample areas have increased rapidly between 2014 and 2017. However, the number of some species have still decreased significantly. It may be an important alert of habitat degradation. Our datasets provide valuable information regarding the distribution and community composition of the avifauna in winter. Moreover, they have been opened in an open database of the Environment Protection Administration. This project will be conducted and we are going to cooperate with the countries in East Asia to monitor migrants in the East Asia-Australasia Flyway.
Recommended citation
Lin, D.-L., H. Chang, A. Lyu, K.-H. Lin, R.-S. Lin. 2017. Taiwan New Year Bird Count 2017 Annual Report. Chinese Wild Bird Federation, Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute, Taipei, Taiwan.