這份報告是臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華 (Taiwan New Year Bird Count,簡稱 NYBC Taiwan) 第二年的年度報告,主要報導 2014 年 12 月 20 日至 2015 年 1 月 11日為期 23 日所執行的成果。臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華的歷年成果,將納入「2020 年臺灣國家鳥類報告」。謹以此報告,感謝所有參與活動的夥伴、團體、捐款人及贊助單位。
於 2015 年正式邁入第二年,有了第一年的經驗及夥伴的迴響與建議,數鳥活動做了些許的調整。最大的調整是活動期間增加為 23 天,在 967 位鳥友的共襄盛之下,樣區圓數量增加到 134 個,其中就有 6 個樣區圓在金門、馬祖與東沙群島,數到的鳥種數從 292 種成長到 319 種。日本鳥友也響應活動,在九州設樣區同步數鳥。公益勸募總共募得新臺幣 93,000 元,並獲得林務局等單位的支持,給予數鳥志工免門票等優惠,主辦單位在此萬分感謝。若無各地民眾的響應,2015 年便無法展現更進一步的成果。
2015 年的代表鳥種是小水鴨,之所以雁鴨為主題,是感於近年東亞 - 澳洲遷徙線上的水鳥數量大幅下降,度冬棲地嚴重流失,華江橋以往上萬小水鴨度冬的盛況已不復榮景。雁鴨是與人類生活非常密切的鳥類,無論在餐桌、服飾、寢具、詩詞、文創、戶外休閒,都少不了雁鴨的身影,但是自然中的野鴨卻正在快速消失。因此,希望藉由數鳥活動,更關心我們的環境與雁鴨。
臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華是由社團法人中華民國野鳥學會發起,與社團法人台北市野鳥學會、社團法人高雄市野鳥學會,以及行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心共同籌辦與推動。主辦團隊成員包括:邱柏瑩小姐 ( 中華 )、呂翊維先生 ( 台北 )、何一先先生 ( 台北 )、林昆海先生 ( 高雄 )、林瑞興博士 ( 特生 ) 及林大利先生 ( 特生 )。
NYBC Taiwan 的第二年,感謝江郁宣小姐完成活動LOGO 及相關美編設計,感謝姚采宜小姐設計紀念品野鴨方巾,感謝陳湘靜小姐繪製插圖,感謝洪貫捷先生製作樣區地圖,感謝王正安先生及趙容小姐協助資料的整理,感謝天晴文化事業完成年度報告的美編設計。
林大利、呂翊維、林瑞興、邱柏瑩、林昆海。2015。臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華 2015 年度報告。社團法人中華民國野鳥學會、行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心。臺北。
Taiwan New Year Bird Count (NYBC Taiwan) is a citizen science monitoring project for the winter avifauna in Taiwan and surrounding islands since 2014. In Taiwan, there are two citizen science projects for the breeding birds: “Breeding Bird Survey, Taiwan (BBS Taiwan)” and“Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship, Taiwan (MAPS Taiwan)”. However, there was no any monitoring projects focus on the wintering birds.
NYBC Taiwan is hosted by Chinese Wild Bird Federation (CWBF), Wild Bird Society of Taipei (WBST), Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society and Endemic Species Research Institute (ESRI). The monitoring methods of NYBC Taiwan followed the principles of Christmas Bird Count. During 23 days (the middle date is January 1st), a volunteer team choose one day to count the bird within a circle sample area (3 km in radius).
According to the long-term monitoring data of the wintering waterfowl in Taipei City Waterbird Refuge, the population size of Eurasian Teal (Anas crecca) decreased significantly. Make the people concern the situation of these migratory ducks, we choose Eurasian Teal as the logo of NYBC Taiwan in 2015.
In 2014 (Dec 28th, 2013 - Jan 12th, 2014; 16 days), 598 volunteers contributed to this survey and recorded 292 species, almost 190,000 individuals in 122 circle sample areas. The results revealed that southwest coast area and Yi-Lan Plain were the hotspots of wintering birds, included bird species richness and abundance.
In 2015 (Dec 20th, 2014 to Jan 11th, 2015; 23 days), 967 volunteers recorded 319 species, 205,319 individuals in 134 circle sample areas, including the surrounding islands of Taiwan. In this year, the efforts such as the number of volunteers, circle sample areas, and surveying days were increased. However, abundance of ten species was less 500 individuals than the results in 2014. It implied that population size of migratory birds might decrease significantly.
We were unable to elaborate on population trend from the beginning data alone. However, the data provides valuable information about distribution and community composition of avifauna in winter. This project will continue to conduct and attempt to cooperate with countries in East Asia to monitor migrants in East Asia-Australasian Flyway.
Recommended citation
Lin, D.-L., Lyu, A., Lin, R.-S., Chiu, P.-Y., Lin, K.-H. 2015. Taiwan New Year Bird Count 2015 Annual Report. Chinese Wild Bird Federation, Endemic Species Research Institute, Taipei, Taiwan.